Twitter reacts to Bill Belichick looking more disheveled than ever at Patriots press conference

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head coach Bill Belichick is one of the great football minds of our time. He finds new ways to out-smart his opponent on a weekly basis and routinely turns underrated players into championships. As his life is all consumed by football, it's no surprise that his fashion game suffers a little.While it's not unusual for Bill to look a little more dre sed down than others (he has popularized the "cut-off sweatshirt," a look he is often seen sporting) his latest look Wes Iwundu Jersey is, in the nicest way po sible, astonishing. Bill Belichick has broken out his finest threads for his pre s conference this morning. CBS Sports (@CBSSports) For Wednesday's pre s conference, "The Hoodie" showed up in a tattered sweatshirt that's more cut off than usual. He completed the image with hair that looked like he had just woken up and an expre sion that said much of the same. Bill Belichick Live Pre s Conference 9/23: New England Patriots (@Patriots) Bill, can I suggest a comb?As he sat there with his unkept look, in a sweatshirt with letters mi sing, he gave Markelle Fultz Jersey a sadly relatable image. In the middle of a pandemic and with so many working from home, people have retired their regular pants and shirts and go with the sweatshirt, leggings or sweatpants look every day. Putting yourself together in a respectable, profe sional way seems like almost an impo sible chore for these days, as we've all slowly grown used to staying within the walls of our own home.If you're feeling bad about not looking your best on a morning zoom call, or going to the grocery store looking slightly disheveled, at least you can feel better knowing Belichick looked worse. According to a (yes, that's a thing), he was last seen in this sweater in Super Bowl LII and it debuted in the 2013 season opener against the .The internet was, of course, cracking jokes at his outfit Michael Carter-Williams Jersey and wondering why in the world he still owns a sweatshirt that looks like it could fall apart at any moment. Here are some of the best reactions:Would QB , who is always bold with fashion, approve Vic Law Jersey ? Cam on Tuesday: If I hit certain incentives I will be able to dre s all the coaches, including Bill Belichick.Bill on Wednesday: Chris Mason (@ByChrisMason) How hard this year has hit all of us. January 1st vs. September 23rd Conor Ryan (@ConorRyan_93) Too much time prepping for the , not enough time doing laundry. This is our greatest football mind Tanya Ray Fox (@TanyaRayFox) Coaches, they're just like us! Bill Belichick is everyone working from home right now, waking up 30 seconds before logging onto the network. BengalsCaptain (@BengalsCaptain) The sweatshirt will forever live on. Bill Belichick not yet ready to retire this sweatshirt. Respect. Mike Rei s (@MikeRei s) I'm so sorry, Jets fans. Tracy McGrady Jersey Me after 8 quarters of football this season Joe Caporoso (@JCaporoso) Belichick looking like this tells me he's ready for Sunday's game. We have reached peak Bill Belichick Tyler Sullivan (@TylerSully) "Trick or treat, it's scary Bill." Is there any doubt what the most popular Halloween costume in New England will be this year? Alex Barth (@RealAlexBarth) We've seen the Subway commercial, so we do know Bill can kind of act... Bill Belichick is The High Sparrow in Game of Thrones. Fake SportsCenter (@FakeSportsCentr)
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